Houston Plumber, Texas Master Plumber, Installs American Standard Toilets and commodes.
When Houston needs quality toilet installation from quality suppliers like American Standard Toilets, they call on Texas Master Plumber, a qualified Houston plumber. Texas Master Plumber specializes in the all your plumbing needs but can also provide you with some of the best designed toilet and bathroom fixtures in our business. We have partnered with companies like American Standard to bring you one of the largest selections of plumbing fixtures in Houston. If you are looking to replace or upgrade your toilet, call on the professionals at Texas Master Plumber today and get a fast, free, quotation on high quality, American Standard Toilets. These toilets are surprisingly affordable yet still have the flush capacity that you would expect from a high performing brand like these. With a large selection to choose from, finding the right toilet to meet your specific needs is just a phone call away. Give Texas Master Plumber a call today to discuss your needs. Our qualified plumbers are on hand to assist you with the right choice for your toilet upgrade or replacement.
Take a look at the fine selection of American Standard toilets below.
- Boulevard
- Town Square
- Tropic
- Boulevard Siphonic
- Antiquity Cadet 3
- Champion 4
- Town Square Trapway
- Town Square Concealed
- Doral Classic Champion 4
- Champion 4 Elongated One-piece
- Portsmouth Champion 4
- Standard Collection
- H2Option Dual Flush
- Titan Pro Triangle
- Compact Cadet 3
- Studio Concealed Trapaway
- Champion Pro
For more information about these and other quality toilets give us a call today. If you would like to browse the American Standard website for more selections and let us know which model fits you best. Texas Master Plumber will get the parts ordered and schedule your installation immediately. On delivery day, we will remove the old toilet and dispose of it for you and install the new toilet. We thoroughly check all connections and make sure that the new toilet is is “seated” correctly. Then we test the toilet for you to ensure that it meets your satisfaction. After our installation process is completed you will have the very best quality toilet in your home or business.
To order your toilet and have it installed today contact Texas Master Plumber at (832) 736-9561or fill out our convenient contact form below and one of our qualified plumbers will give you a call.